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21 startups
Early-stage Startups
Startups with fewer than 20 people. This is where it all begins.
9 companies
The Physical World
Companies that build things or operate in physical reality, not just online.
17 companies
Companies valued at $1B or more, or that are already public.
62 companies
Tech Companies
Tech-driven companies that use venture capital to grow quickly.
14 teams
Sales Teams
Teams that sell software, services, physical products, or a mix.
15 companies
Teams that help customers via hands-on professional services.
12 profiles
Meet Founders
See profiles that include an interview with the company’s CEO.
45 teams
Engineering Teams
Teams of software engineers—plus product, design, and data people.
View all companies →
A friendly hello
Job search and hiring are miserable for everyone. We’re here to fix it—all of it—from the ground up. Step 1: give the most important people—job seekers—the information they want.
Who’s “we?” From left: Jesse Tinsley, Founder of Job Mobz— Jennifer Goodfriend, Vice President of Sales — Josh Ramsey, Vice President of Partnerships— Matt Charney, Editor in Chief, Recruiter.com