If you know who you are…
Prospective customers
If you’re got a quick question, please email Nate (nate@beforeyouapply.com). If you know you’re interested in buying something, you’re welcome to schedule right now a 30 minute call with Nate. Please use this scheduling link.
Existing customers
Please ping Nate via Slack Connect. Our workspaces are likely already connected. Nate’s Slack handle is @nate. Failing Slack, please email Nate (nate@beforeyouapply.com).
Talented people / job seekers
Not (yet) represented by a BYA agent
First, please sign up on the homepage. (This doesn’t commit you to anything in itself.) Give us a couple days if you just signed up. If you don’t hear anything back, shoot Nate an email (nate@beforeyouapply.com).
Already represented by a BYA agent
It’s generally best to contact your agent first. That’s what they’re there for 🙂 If that doesn’t cut it for whatever reason, please ping Nate in the BYA Slack workspace (@nate). Last resort: email Nate (nate@beforeyouapply.com).
Prospective agents
Couple options. First, please sign up to be an agent on the homepage. (This doesn’t commit you.) Having your basic info will help us respond to you better. Then, message Nate on LinkedIn (linkedin.com/in/nateguggia) or email him (nate@beforeyouapply.com).
Existing agents
Please ping Nate in Slack. Please, please, please no email.
Investors / press / other fancy-seeming people
If you’ve got a quick question, please email Jackson (jackson@beforeyouapply.com). If you’re serious about doing something serious (investing, feature article in the NYT, yada yada), you’re welcome to schedule a 30 minute call with Jackson right now. Please use this scheduling link.